God is a gracious God. There is nothing that we can do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we have done or spoken that makes God love us less. He loves us unconditionally. That’s Agape love.
Romans 5:6 (NKJV) For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Jesus did not come to condemn us but to save us from our sins. He died for the ungodly and therefore all ungodly people qualify to be saved. He loves them unreservedly. God demonstrated His love to us through the fact that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
The difference between Jonah and Jesus is that Jesus submitted to God’s will, but Jonah rebelled against God. Jonah was unwilling to submit because he knew how wicked the Assyrians were, and he was concerned that one day they would attack the kingdom of Israel. He refused to obey the call to go and convey the message and he didn’t want to be aligned with God’s will. When Jesus yielded His will and lined up with the Father’s will, the greatest event took place on earth! Jesus submitted to the Father’s will, and submission to God is yielding our will to His. It takes humility to submit to the will of God. True submission also involves suffering—the suffering in our soul because we need to die to ourselves, but the reward for the suffering of submission is great!
Romans10:15 (NKJV) And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
The Great Commission had already been issued by God before Jesus ascended to heaven. All of us are called and mobilised to preach the Gospel to the ends of the world. We are placed in the marketplace for local outreach and to do world missions periodically. He is sending us to urge the world to be reconciled with Him since He had taken the necessary step in restoring us, but we can either respond like Jonah, who fled from God’s calling, or be like Jesus or Isaiah who followed His calling.
Isaiah 6:8-9 (NKJV) Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” And He said, “Go, and tell this people: ‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’
The question is “are you willing to be that effective witness in the marketplace or in the sphere of influence where God has placed you?” Follow the role models of Jesus and Isaiah and let God’s will be done in our lives and more people’s lives. Smooth sailing comes from following His will for us.
Sermon Series: Smooth Sailing
罗马书5:6 因我们还软弱的时候,基督就按所定的日期为罪人死。
罗马书10:15 若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢?如经上所记:“报福音、传喜信的人,他们的脚踪何等佳美!”
以赛亚书6:8-9我又听见主的声音说:“我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?”我说:“我在这里,请差遣我!” 祂说:“你去告诉这百姓说: 你们听是要听见,却不明白; 看是要看见,却不晓得。”
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