Ephesians 3:18-19 (NKJV) May be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
When Paul talks about comprehending the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, he is talking about experiencing God in our daily living and our adventures in life. The extent of God’s love for us is so great that it surpasses knowledge. Our mind cannot fully comprehend the grace that He extends towards us because our intellectual capacity is not able to know the full extent of it.
We will be secured in love when we know the love of Christ. Being secured means there is no struggle to please the person who loves us. It means there is no doubt in the person who loves us unconditionally. We are convinced that the person does not have evil thoughts and carry out harmful actions toward us. At the same time, we are also fully convinced that the person is for us and not against us, the person will come to help us whenever there is a need. We are secured that we can have absolute rest and be at ease in the presence of the person.
A person who is secured in God’s love will not be fearful of man, their schemes nor will he be a man pleaser. He will not always be seeking and wanting the affirmation from man. No matter where he is placed or relocated, he is full of faith and confidence because he is aware that God is with him and good things will come to pass, especially those things he has prayed about.
When we are secured, we can ask Him boldly to reveal His plans to us and it will be beyond what we can think or imagine. This boldness is found in the relationship with the Father and walking in His will. If we want to experience God, we need to position ourselves by being still and tune in to listen to Him through the reading of the Word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We need to write down what He has spoken to us from the Word, prompting of the Holy Spirit, visions and dreams. The vision will take time to come to pass and faith will help us to persevere until the full manifestation of the promise. Faith is in the inner man, the vision is impregnated in the inner man and we will eventually see the vision becoming a reality!
Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Romans 10:17 (NKJV) So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Faith comes from the inner man or the heart because the mind will not be able to properly understand what faith is. When Christ dwells in our heart, the Word dwells there. The more we listen to the Word of God, the greater faith arises within us. Faith is seeing into the spiritual realm and believes that whatever we have prayed for has come to pass because we have a promise from God.
We refuse to believe in circumstances because we know that the devil manipulates people and circumstances to cause us to be discouraged and steal the seed of God’s Word in our hearts. Therefore, faith that exists in our inner man must be strong. The power that works within us and helping our faith is the Holy Spirit. He will guide, lead and empower us to believe in the most challenging time by giving us the grace and peace to persist until we see a breakthrough!
Sermon series: Inner man
以弗所书 3:18-19 能以和众圣徒一同明白基督的爱,是何等长阔高深,并知道这爱是过于人所能测度的,便叫神一切所充满的,充满了你们。
希伯来书 11:1 信就是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。
罗马书 10:17 可见信道是从听道来的、听道是从基督的话来的。
讲章系列: 内在灵人
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