Old man | Result | New Man | Result |
Futility of mind | Grow corrupt | Renewed mind | Abundant life |
Understanding darkened | No moral bearing | Created in true righteousness and holiness | Able to walk justly and righteously |
Blindness of the heart | Deceived by the devil | The gospel shines light into our lives | Walk in the light |
Speak lie | Distrust | Speak Truth | Earn Trust |
Lewdness, uncleanness and greediness | Grow in corruption | Hard working | Appreciated by others for being a person of integrity |
Anger issue | Break relationship | Able to manage anger | Grow in maturity and build strong relationships |
Unbridled Tongue that brings destruction | Hurt others | Able to speak word of edification that impart grace | Others are blessed to be around you |
Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, malice and evil speaking | Self-harm and create toxicity | Gracious, kind, tender-hearted and forgiving | Healthy in our soul |
The above table is derived from Ephesians 4:17-24, where the Apostle Paul compared the “old man” and “new man” ’s lifestyles. He advocated for a complete lifestyle change that can only be found in Christ and encouraged us not to continue in our old ways. The significant contrast should make us pause and evaluate whether we are living in the “old man” or “new man” and what kind of life we want.
Jesus came to give us an abundant life on earth. One of the greatest gifts we can give to everyone around us, especially our family members, is to be transformed, living out Christ’s image and reflecting God’s nature as a living being.
Many couples and individuals have told the pastor, counsellors and therapists that nothing has worked, not realising that the problem lies in themselves. Although God is all-powerful, He has given us self-will. Therefore, He “cannot” do much unless we choose to live in the “new man”. Otherwise, we will reap the results when we continue to live in the “old man”.
Galatians 6:7-8 (NKJV) “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows in the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life”.
We must have faith that God will work through the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, to enable us to live out the “new man” in our daily lives and in what the Word of God says we can do through the “new man.” Nonetheless, God has given us the freedom of choice in our lives. Therefore, it is up to us to choose whether to live in the “new man” through the new creation realities and to submit and yield to the Spirit of God. It would be wise to begin living in these realities when we are single instead of waiting until we are married. Our marriage will be blessed when both parties practice living in these realities by faith.
Sermon Series: Faith in the New Creation Realities
旧人 | 结果 | 新人 | 结果 |
心思虚妄 | 滋生腐败 | 心意更新 | 丰盛人生 |
理解力被蒙蔽 | 无道德底限 | 以真正的公义与圣洁而造 | 能以公义和正直行事 |
瞎了心眼 | 被魔鬼蒙骗 | 福音照进我们的生命 | 在光明中前行 |
说假话 | 不信任 | 说真话 | 赢得信任 |
淫荡、不洁及贪婪 | 日益腐败 | 勤奋工作 | 为人正直,受人赞赏 |
Anger issue 不能制怒 | 破坏关系 | 能够制怒 | 变得成熟,建立牢固的人际关系 |
招致毁灭肆无忌惮的舌头 | 伤害他人 | 能说造就人的话,授人以恩典 | 他人因与你为伍而蒙福 |
苦毒、暴怒、愤怒、吵嚷、恶意及恶言 | 自我伤害和制造毒性 | 仁慈、善良、温柔、宽容 | 灵魂健康 |
上表源自《以弗所书》4:17-24,使徒保罗在信中比较了 “旧人 ”和 “新人 ”的生活方式。他主张只有在基督里才能找到彻底改变生活方式的方法,并鼓励我们不要继续走自己的老路。这种明显的对比应该让我们停下来,评估一下我们是生活在 “旧人 ”还是 “新人 ”中,想一想自己到底想要什么样的生活。
许多夫妇和个人都对牧师、辅导员和治疗师说,这些办法都不起作用,却不知道问题是出在自己身上。虽然上帝是全能的,但祂也给了我们自我意志。因此,除非我们选择活在 “新人 ”之中,否则祂也是“无能为力”。当我们继续活在 “旧人 ”当中,我们将会收获相应的结果。
加拉太书 6:7-8 ‘不要自欺,上帝是轻慢不得的。人种的是什么,收的也是什么。 顺着情欲撒种的,必从情欲收败坏;顺着 圣 灵撒种的,必从 圣 灵收永生。 ‘
我们必须相信上帝会通过圣灵做工,祂住在我们里面,使我们能够在日常生活中活出 “新造的人”,活出上帝的话语所说的我们通过 “新造的人 ”所能做的事。然而,上帝赋予了我们在生活中选择的自由。因此,选择是否通过新造的现实活在 “新人 ”里,并选择是否顺服和屈服于上帝的灵,这取决于我们自己。明智的做法是在单身时就开始活在这些现实中,而不是等到结婚后。当双方都操练凭信心活在这些现实中时,我们的婚姻就会得到祝福。
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