“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”
– Psalms 68:19
According to the Collins dictionary, praise is what you say or write about someone when you are praising them. If you praise someone or something, you express approval for their achievements or qualities. If you praise God, you express your respect, honor and thanks to God.
God is our Saviour. He deserves all the glory honor and praise. He sent Jesus to wash away our sin. When we were living in darkness he took us out of it unto his marvelous light.
Today we can live in victory because of Jesus and his spirit at work in us. We sing, shout and praise Him because when we do so we testify of His goodness. We lift up the Name that is above every name and declare that the battle belongs to Him.
Our Lord, is willing to take our burden. He can carry it and be in charge of it. Let us pray and cast out all our anxiety and heavy burden because he cares. He can help us and do amazing things in our life.
Let’s sing along this classic hymn: Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creature here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father Son and HolyGhost.
Prayer: Jesus, it’s an honor to start this day in your presence. You are the Prince of peace. You saved me from the bondage of sin. You are the way the truth and the Life. I give you praise. Help me to walk with you throughout the day. I want to grow in my knowledge, wisdom and understanding Thank you Jesus, amen