1 Timothy 6:10 (NKJV) For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
There is a subtle perception that rich people are worldly, not committed to church and have no passion for the Lord. Some have equated dressing well, driving a good car and living in a nice house as worldly. However, these misunderstandings exist because many people lack a clear understanding of the character of God. What if these are all blessings from God?
On the other hand, someone who dresses modestly, lives simply, but is judgemental, legalistic, and critical of others may not equate spiritual maturity either. Spirituality is not in outward appearances or possessions, but in the life that we live and the attitude of the heart.
Do you think it is wrong for Christians to be rich or well-supplied in life? Does poverty equate to godliness or spirituality in your view? In fact, many poor people are angry with God for being in a state of poverty. Let’s not forget that because Adam and Eve sinned against God, the earth was cursed as a result, and ever since, man has had to toil in order to survive. Before the fall of man, everything that God created was good and He wanted Adam and Eve to enjoy all His creation. The first couple on earth was abundantly supplied, and lack was never in God’s mind.
Money is neutral. Having a lot of money and being successful because of the blessings of the Lord is a wonderful thing, but it is the love of money that’s wrong. Both the rich and poor can have the love of money, and it has caused many individuals and families to be destroyed. There are those who have left the Lord in their pursuit of worldly success. Prosperity and poverty can either bring the best or the worst out of a person. Many non-Christians and Christians who hold the secular worldview have pierced themselves with many sorrows in their pursuit of money and success.
1 Timothy 5:8 (NJKV) But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
God wants us to work hard to provide for our family. What God is saying through this verse is that Christians must ensure that their spouse and family members are amply supplied. We are to provide for them from what remains after tithing and freewill offerings as the Lord leads. In fact, God wants us to have money to help the poor and the people around us. God only has an issue with us if money has become an idol in our lives and we refuse to tithe and give freewill offering because we are a steward of God’s finances.
Sermon Series: Freely Received and Freely Give
你认为基督徒有钱或生活富足是错的吗?在你看来,贫穷就一定代表敬虔或属灵吗?事实上,许多穷人因为贫困而埋怨上帝。我们不要忘记创世记中亚当和夏娃犯罪得罪了神,土地因此被被咒诅,人必须辛勤劳作才能糊口。在人类堕落之前,上帝创造的一切都是美好的,祂想让亚当和夏娃享受祂创造的一切。这第一对夫妇得到了丰盛的供应, “缺乏”这个字眼从未在上帝的心里出现过。
提摩太前书5:8 人若不看顾亲属,就是背了真道,比不信的人还不好,不看顾自己家里的人更是如此。
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