Ephesians 2:2-3 (NKJV) in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
In this Scripture, the Apostle Paul is encouraging us not to walk in our old way of life. We were once slaves to sin, under the bondage and influence of the prince of the power of the air, but now we are children in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we should put on the “new man” in the new creation and walk differently—that’s walking in the Spirit. It is an empowered life to break away from the world’s corruption through lust.
Everything that we see, read, and watch influences us either for good or evil. We are bombarded by the values and principles of the world daily. In fact, we have been indoctrinated by the world’s ways ever since we reached the age of understanding. Social media is a powerful tool that influences all of us today but not everything posted there is good. We are a product of what we are feeding our minds with through all these different platforms. It plays into our senses, and these senses will send signals to our emotions and desires. All these are in the realm of the soul.
Passions and desires will be stirred up in the realm of the soul and the body, but we need to know that we are free from the dictations of these passions and desires because we can walk in the Spirt. We have identified ourselves with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection so we live in the newness of life.
Once our mind is renewed that we can walk in the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which has set us free from the law of sin and death, the devil ceases to be a strong influence in our lives. This is because we can now make the decision to walk in the Spirit and do the right thing from the inside out. We live in the Spirit because the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts, and we can walk in the Spirit by yielding to His prompting to do what is right. Once we decide to walk in the Spirit daily, we will begin to walk victoriously and live in the abundant life. It is a blessed life but it is also a matter of choice.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The key to victorious Christian living is through the renewal of the mind with the Word of God, especially with regards to who we are, what we have, and what we can do in Christ!
Sermon Series: The Make-up of Man (Part 2)
以弗所书2:2-3 那时,你们在其中行事为人,随从今世的风俗,顺服空中掌权者的首领,就是现今在悖逆之子心中运行的邪灵。我们从前也都在他们中间,放纵肉体的私欲,随着肉体和心中所喜好的去行,本为可怒之子,和别人一样。
我们所见、所读、所看的一切都会对我们产生或好或坏的影响。 我们每天都受到来自世界的价值观和原则的冲击。 其实,自懂事以来我们一直被灌输世界的行事方式。 社交媒体是一种强大的工具,今天它影响着我们所有人,但它上面的东西并不都是好的。 我们是被这些社交平台灌输思想后的产物。 它影响我们的感觉,这些感觉会操纵我们的情绪和欲望。 所有这些都是在魂的领域。
一旦我们的心意被更新,我们就可以在基督耶稣里所赐的生命圣灵的律中行事,从而脱离罪和死亡的捆绑,魔鬼也就不再对我们的生命产生强大的影响。 我们能够决定顺着圣灵行事,发自内心地去做正确的决定。 我们活在圣灵里,因为圣灵居住在我们的内心,我们可以顺服圣灵的提示去做正确的事,从而行在圣灵里。 一旦我们决定每天顺着圣灵行事,那么我们就会开始得胜并活出丰盛的生命。这是一个蒙福的生命,也是一个选择。
罗马书12:2 不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何为神的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨意。
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