“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
– 2 Corinthians 10:5
We live in a world filled with all kinds of culture and tradition. Tourism, media and entertainment are present in our daily life. All of us are blessed with good education and God has provided for the financial resources that we need to live a decent life. But where do we put God in all of these things going on around us?
The Bible encourage us to know God well. Our quiet time is a good start to acknowledge His presence, and to feed our Spirit with His Living Word. Before we start our day, it is good to place our focus on Jesus through morning prayer and devotion. We can praise and worship him. We can lift up our plan to Him and ask for his blessing and his direction.
Our mind can sometimes go in every direction and if we don’t pay attention we will find ourselves thinking like someone who don’t know God and who is Just following the lifestyle of this world without paying attention to God.
God is the source of every blessing. So, let’s humble ourselves before his throne of Grace and ask for his mercy. When our mind is leading us to one direction let’s make sure it follows the way of God and the will of God.
For example, when we study History, or English literature. We are given so many information. We are taught to evaluate analyze and be creative. We are expected to develop critical thinking and defend our values. But in all these, let’s not walk away from God. We can always acknowledge Him and submit our ideas to him. Some thoughts and philosophy try to diminish God and take a higher position in our life. But Bible is clear: we have to be intentional and cast down every thought by seeking to know God’s will and God’s Word concerning this particular mater.
If your desire to be coolest kid in the block lead you to sin or dress in an inappropriate way, choose to submit to God and value His thoughts. God wants you to be decent and modest in your inward and outward appearance. When you are thinking of buying the latest device, knowing that it will cost a lot of money and it will just make you a very proud person. Pray before you pay. Does Jesus approve? If the answer is yes, go for it. If the answer is no, forget about it. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Walk in obedience to God. Don’t sacrifice your youth just because the world has dictated a certain lifestyle that you know deep in your heart, is not pleasing to God.
Stand firm, be watchful and alert. Know God.
Prayer: Jesus, be the center of my life and influence my thoughts. Without you I can be easily lost. I want to draw closer and closer to you each day. Amen.