“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” – Colossians 2:8
Paul was a prisoner in Rome and he knew that his life was nearing its end. Paul knew that after his departure, grievous wolves would arise in the Body of Christ and would not spare the little flock of God. He warned believers to be alert and to be vigilant and not to turn away from truth.
Today we have the same challenge where world philosophy lured us to doubt and challenge if the gospel we stand for is true. There are questions of if our God is real. You might have even been challenged by schoolmates or friends or relatives around you who does not share the same faith if God really care and love His people.
Trailblazers, we are all God’s sheep. We should be able to hear His voice. Let no one and nothing, lure you away from God’s voice and God’s teaching. Let no one and nothing bring you away from not spending time with God, not reading the Bible, or associating yourselves with things and way of living like the world does. Let not the false teaching of the world cause you to doubt or question God, resulting you to distance away from The Word or caused you to behave unruly.
As believers of Christ we are made in His likeness and we carry His attributes. (We have the HS and we need to listen to the voice of the HS.) We need to be cautioned to not associate ourselves with false saying about Christ nor live like the malignant world in deceptions & lies. Do not let the plethora of fascination from the world draw you away from the truth, from God.
Let us remained sharp and alert, being guided by His spirit not to fall into doubting God. Let us not become part of the array of disillusionment the world gear to tempt us. Under the wisdom and counsel of God, we should never allow our faith standing in God be wavered. Keep alert, keep awake and take heed from the Bible. Let us keep close to Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord, please forgive me that I ever doubted you because of the array of disillusionment the world is painting. Help me Lord to keep close to You that I may stand in your word. I need You Lord every day, Let me never be far from your Word of Truth. Thank You Lord. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.