Luke 5:4-6 (NKJV) When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.
Economic uncertainty often necessitates adjustments in our lives. When we consider different options, we will need a firm footing so that we can move forward with confidence. A crisis often brings Christians back to the basics of walking by faith because even though we can plan, strategise and execute our plans, ultimately, we still have to revert to walking by faith due to the challenging circumstances we face. We are blessed that the Lord is interested in teaching and guiding us through every twist and turn, and He journeys with us daily.
To be confident, strong, and courageous amid a storm in our lives, we need to walk in God’s will. Unless we know that we are walking in God’s will or living out the consecrated life, it is very difficult to anchor our faith during the storm. Getting a word from God is what gives us a firm footing.
In the above passage, Simon Peter and his friends were professional fishermen who knew the best time and place to fish, but they had caught nothing all night; they had failed in their jobs, and there was no income for the day. They were washing their nets when Jesus came to them. What a frustrating yet humbling experience it must have been for them. Likewise, it is also a humbling experience for us when business fails to recover swiftly in the current environment despite being professionals in our industries. We might be at our wit’s end, trying to find ways to get things off the ground with our own effort.
During such times, it is wise to take the opportunity to seek the face of God even if we have already sought His face and are walking in His will. Walking in His perfect will doesn’t mean we are free from challenges. The good news is when we are walking in His perfect will, He will lead us continuously because of our close relationship with Him, to make the necessary adjustments, no matter how minor, just like when Jesus gave Simon Peter the specific instruction, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch”, and he obeyed. Truly, faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.
Sermon Series: Consecration
路加福音 5:4-6 讲完了,对 西门 说:”把船开到水深之处,下网打鱼。” 西门 说:”夫子,我们整夜劳力,并没有打着什么。但依从你的话,我就下网。” 他们下了网,就圈住许多鱼,网险些裂开。
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