“We write this to make your joy complete.” — 1 John 1:4
“Open happiness,” the red slogan plastered on the white billboard exclaimed. Nope, they weren’t advertising conventionally happy things like puppies, vacations, or friendship. They were selling a high-calorie soda in a bright red can. If you were to pay close attention to the advertisements you see, they could almost always be summarized as “this product will make you happy.”
We all want to be happy. It’s probably the primary motivator behind much of our behavior. From hanging out with friends to wearing specific sneakers to drinking a Coke, it’s all likely flowing from one initial idea: the pursuit of happiness.
Sadly, most people stumble in their pursuit of happiness. Maybe they feel happy for a moment, but that moment quickly becomes a memory. Why is that? Most people seek happiness in the wrong places.
Happiness is great, but it is based on the word for “happen.” Thus, it’s all built around things that happen to us. It’s fleeting, temporary, and subjective. John opens up his letter by inviting his audience to experience joy (not happiness). Joy comes from within. It’s based on what’s happening within us, not around us.
Happiness comes from a funny text; joy comes from a life-giving friendship. Happiness can be found in a high-energy church service; joy comes when you experience God while alone on your sofa.
Happiness comes from reading an encouraging scripture; joy comes when you let it take root in your heart.
Maybe happiness can be found in a can of Coke, but I know joy is found in Jesus. Whatever your journey, pursue joy by pursuing Jesus.