Ephesians 6:12-13 (NKJV) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Practices like horoscope, palm reading, tarot card reading, fortune telling, and witchcraft are prevalent today. However, once someone takes the first step out of curiosity to consult the dark forces, they will likely start to believe that their life is connected to what they have read or been told. Gradually, they will be drawn to think it is true. Some uninformed or carnal Christians who are dabbling with it are unaware that they have openly invited the work of the devil into their homes and their lives to torment them. They are tapping into the demonic realm instead of seeking the real supernatural power that is only found in God.
The world system operates differently from the kingdom of God because their values are opposites. In the kingdom of darkness, there is fear, torment, and control, whereas in the kingdom of God, there is liberty, joy, peace, and freedom.
The born-again experience enables us to operate free from the world system. As Jesus told us in Luke 16:13, we cannot serve two masters; we will love one and hate the other. We can only serve one master. Therefore, when it comes to financial provision, we can either operate in the world system or God’s system because we will be salve to whichever system we choose. In other words, we can either trust in God or Mammon. When we trust God to be the source of our provision, we won’t struggle with tithing and freewill offering, whereas trusting in Mammon will keep us in fear or lack, making it hard for us to part with the money, and fearful when our lives are affected by changes or uncertainty.
However, we will be in faith when we have experienced God’s faithful provision when He created opportunities for us, granted us favours, prompted us, and blessed us with wisdom and business acumen before the changes happened. We are immovable and unshakable in God’s rather than the world’s finance system. The benefits of choosing the kingdom of God are immeasurable.
As the world becomes increasingly uncertain, many people’s career development will either be disrupted or stunted by the upcoming changes. Christians will be increasingly forced to walk by faith because there will be many occasions where their ego, confidence, and identity will be shaken. Therefore, it’s better to begin the faith walk sooner than later. Trusting God by worshipping Him with our tithes and freewill offering is a walk of faith in the kingdom of God.
Sermon Series: The Weapon of Our Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)
以弗所书 6:12 因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战(两“争战”原文都作“摔跤”)。
占星术、看手相、塔罗牌、算命和巫术等做法是如今所盛行的。然而,一旦有人出于好奇迈出第一步,咨询黑暗势力,他们往往会开始相信他们的生命与他们所读到和被告知的是有联系的。渐渐地,他们会不由自主地认为这是真的。一些不知情或属肉体的基督徒在涉足这些时;并没有意识到他们已经公开邀请魔鬼的工作进入他们的家庭和生活来折磨他们。 他们正在进入魔鬼的地盘,却偏偏不去寻求那真正的超自然的能力,那惟有在上帝里面才能找到的能力。
讲章系列: 我们属灵争战的武器(第二部分)
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