Proverbs 29:18 (NKJV) Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law.
What does the opening Scripture prescribe if we want a happy and blessed marriage? First, we must have an understanding and a revelation of what God’s Word says (about marriage). This means a married couple should have a vision of what a happy and blessed marriage looks like as a target to work on. Secondly, we need to walk in the Word.
When there is no revelation of what the Word of God says about marriage, people are unrestrained and do whatever they like. People do not want to hear about being restrained these days because of the lawlessness and individualism prevalent in society. However, lawlessness is a sin. There is a rejection or rebellion against authority today. Some even challenge the biblical principle that the husband should be the head and leader of the house because people demand rights, privileges, and freedom.
Amos 3:3 (NKJV) Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
The key to a successful marriage is for the couple to walk in agreement. The agreement will be based on biblical values and principles. The couple will have a vision for their marriage, with well-defined roles and responsibilities for the father and mother. They will communicate with each other regarding their expectations of each other’s roles, such as how a mother counsels and guides her daughter, especially during her teenage years, and how a father journeys with his sons for them to grow up to be godly and responsible men.
There is unity and commitment when the couple agrees that marriage is a covenant, and it is till death do they part. Not only should they have a vision for their marriage and family, but they will work together towards it. They will also agree that in a marriage covenant, everything is shared, so they will share all assets, liabilities, and wisdom. Despite challenges, sicknesses, pain, and illnesses, they will never leave or forsake one another because they are glued together as one flesh.
If there is no target, the arrow that is released will be strayed, directionless, and fall to the ground, but when there is a vision or a target, we can be focused and aim to achieve it. The agreement between husband and wife is one of the most powerful agreements on earth.
Matthew 18:19-20 (NKJV) “Again I sayto you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Sermon Series: Before You Say I Do (Lesson 5 & 6)
箴言29:18 没有异象(或作“默示”),民就放肆,惟遵守律法的,便为有福。
如果我们想要幸福美满的婚姻,看看开篇的圣经经文说了什么?首先,我们必须对圣经中(关于婚姻)的讲论有理解和启示。 这意味着已婚夫妇应该对幸福和蒙福的婚姻有愿景并将其作为努力的目标。 其次,我们需要遵行神的话。
当圣经中没有关于婚姻的启示时,人们就会不受约束,为所欲为。 如今,由于社会上存在目无法纪和个人主义盛行,人们不愿意听到和接受被限制。 然而,目无法纪是一种罪。 今天权威遭到拒绝或挑战。 有些人甚至挑战圣经中的丈夫应该是一家之主和领导者的原则,因为人们要求权利、特权和自由。
阿摩司书3:3 二人若不同心,岂能同行呢?
婚姻成功的关键是夫妻双方追求价值观上的一致。这一致性是以圣经的价值观和原则为基础的。 夫妻双方将对他们的婚姻有一个愿景,父亲和母亲有明确的角色和责任。 他们会互相交流对彼此角色的期望,例如母亲如何辅导和指导女儿,尤其是在她十几岁的时候,以及父亲如何陪伴儿子同行,好教他们成长为敬虔和负责任的男人。
当夫妻双方都同意婚姻是一个盟约,并且只有死亡才会让他们分开时,他们之间就会有合一和委身。 他们不仅应该对自己的婚姻和家庭有一个愿景,而且还要共同努力实现它。 他们还会同意,在婚姻盟约中,一切都是共享的,因此他们将共享所有的资产、负债和智慧。 尽管有挑战、疾病、痛苦和病痛,但他们永远不会离开或抛弃彼此,因为他们是作为紧密相连的一体。
如果没有目标,那么射出的箭就会偏离方向的箭,没有方向,就会落在地上。当前方有愿景、异象或目标时,我们就需要像弓箭手一样,集中精力,瞄准目标,正中靶心! 夫妻之间的协议是世界上最强大的协议之一。
马太福音18:19-20 我又告诉你们:若是你们中间有两个人在地上同心合意地求什么事,我在天上的父必为他们成全。因为无论在哪里,有两三个人奉我的名聚会,那里就有我在他们中间。”
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