Words that Work
There is a difference between eating for nutrition and eating for satisfaction. A salad with fresh veggies provides the nutritional value that I need from my dinner, and yet I feel heartbreakingly hungry ten minutes later. Why? Because my heart wanted something richer and more substantial than spinach. Solomon says that our spiritual fulfillment works the same way.
Ecclesiastes 6:7
Everyone’s toil is for their mouth, yet their appetitive is never satisfied.
God doesn’t just want you to work for what you need to survive; he wants you to work for what you need to thrive. You’re not living to satisfy your parents, boss, society or partner. You’re living to satisfy your soul with true purpose. That purpose is found in Christ. Your God-given purpose is the only thing that can satisfy your appetite for a meaningful life. Don’t spend your life chasing after things just because you think they’ll feel good to talk about. It’s not about impressing others with successes or accomplishments. Instead, work hard to pursue the opportunities that God places in your life to glorify him. Speak of those things that make your heart soar.
Prayer Prompt: God, please help me to pursue godly things that bring true fulfillment and purpose to my soul. Help me to speak passionately about my work that advances the Kingdom, and to say no to the things that distract me from opportunities to glorify you.