1 Timothy 5: 17 (NKJV) Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially those who labour in the word and doctrine.
Many pastors these days are either burnt out or on the verge of it. According to recent findings from research done by Barna, 46% of pastors under the age of 45 and 34% of those who are 45 or over say they are considering quitting full-time ministry. Why?
Pastors are often criticised for their church direction, preaching, and ability to manage, but one major discouragement that may lead a pastor to leave the ministry is the verbal abuse and toxic environment created by the church leadership. Sometimes, church members may have an unfulfilled call in their lives, so they may read a lot into ministry but always feel dissatisfied with the local pastor. As church members, we need to watch our attitude, because the teaching from the Word is to give double honour and show respect to those who labour in the Word among us. How can someone who never responded to a full-time call be critical of something they have never done? Instead, we should pray for the pastor, or the leadership can set aside a budget to send the pastor for enrichment if necessary.
1 Chronicles 16:22 (NKJV) Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.”
Scripture says we are not to touch God’s anointed and do them harm unless they have violated moral and ethical values. God is a God of order, and He will speak to His undershepherd regarding the church and her direction. Therefore, pray for the pastor if they lack direction, have lost their passion, or are tired, but don’t murmur and complain! God is a holy God, and He despises rebellion against leadership because He has experienced it from Lucifer. Rebellion is a sin, and God is clear regarding whom He has called, selected, and empowered to lead the work.
1 Thessalonians 5: 12 – 13 (NKJV) And we urge you, brethren, to recognise those who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves.
We are to love and esteem pastors highly for their work’s sake, to honour them in speech and action. Everyone has a special calling and gifts to fulfil work for the Lord, and God has called the pastors personally. Therefore, be polite, kind, peaceable, gentle, and loving towards those who are appointed and called by God to lead His church.
Sermon Series: The Pastor
提摩太前书5:17 那善于管理教会的长老,当以为配受加倍的敬奉。那劳苦传道教导人的,更当如此。
历代志上 16:22说:不可难为我受膏的人,也不可恶待我的先知!
圣经说,除非神的受膏者违反了道德和伦理的价值观,否则我们不可恶待他们。神是有序的神。祂会把关乎教会的事和方向告诉祂麾下的牧者。因此,如果牧师没有方向、失去热情、疲惫不堪,请为他祷告,但不要请发怨言。神是圣洁的神。 祂蔑视悖逆领袖的行为,因为祂已经从路西法(撒旦)那里经历过这样的行为。悖逆是一种罪,神非常清楚祂所呼召的、拣选和授权谁来做带领的工作。
帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:12-13 弟兄们,我们劝你们敬重那在你们中间劳苦的人,就是在主里面治理你们、劝戒你们的;又因他们所做的工,用爱心格外尊重他们。你们也要彼此和睦。
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