12 The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. 13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!” 14 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written: 15 “Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.”
John 12:13-15
12第二天,有许多上来过节的人听见耶稣将到耶路撒冷, 13 就拿着棕树枝出去迎接他,喊着说:“和散那!奉主名来的以色列王是应当称颂的!” 14 耶稣得了一个驴驹,就骑上,如经上所记的说: 15 “锡安的民[a]哪,不要惧怕!你的王骑着驴驹来了。”
约翰福音 12:12-15
Q & A:
- What is the significance of Palm Sunday as Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey? Discuss what was on the minds of the crowd praising God and shouting “Hosanna in the highest” and “king of Israel”? Where were these same people on the following Friday? (John 12:12-15; Matt 21:4-9; Luke 19:36-40)
- 当耶稣骑着驴驹进入耶路撒冷时,棕枝主日的重要意义何在?讨论那人群中赞美上帝并大喊“高高在上和散那”和“以色列王”的心思所想和期待是什么?那同一群人们在五日后的受难日到哪了?(约翰福音12:12-15; 马太福音21:4-9; 路加福音19:36-40)
- How could the Jews have missed their Messiah when it seem so obvious when we read Isaiah 53? Discuss if you should be more concerned with the praise of people or the praise / affirmation of God. (John 5:44)
- 当我们读以赛亚书53章时,救主看似那么明显,但犹太人怎么会错过他们的弥赛亚呢? 讨论你是否应该更在乎人们的赞美还是来自上帝的赞美/认可. (约翰福音5:44)
- Have you ever praised God for the wrong reasons? Discuss if God will affirm all our praise and thankfulness towards Him, even when we have the wrong motives. (John 13:37 – 14:1; Luke 19:39-40; Matt 21:16)
- 你曾经有过以不合宜的理由赞美上帝吗? 讨论即使我们有不适当的动机,上帝是否也会认可我们对祂的所有赞美和感恩。(约翰福音13:37- 14:1; 路加福音19:39-40; 马太福音21:16)