0228-A Consecrated and Sanctified Work Life 神圣而圣洁的工作生活

A consecrated and sanctified life is very important in our Christian walk. The Bible says, “You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the Lord your God” Leviticus 20:7. Consecration means that you set yourself apart from evil, turn to the Lord, and are prepared to be used by God. A sanctified life is a lifelong process, setting ourselves apart daily unto God by living a lifestyle of holiness in both our private and public lives. We are new creations in Christ, and we are able to be victorious over temptation with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit daily.Daniel in the Old Testament lived a consecrated and sanctified life. During his life in the palace, his enemies found him faultless except for his allegiance to God!

Daniel 6:4 So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.

In our work life, are we like Daniel? Will our colleagues/competition be able to dig out dirt on us, destroy our reputation or discredit us in any way? For example, do we participate in unclean/suggestive conversations with the opposite sex in the office? Or do we take kick-backs/under-table offers when we negotiate deals? Or do we violate ethics by taking clients from previous company to our new one? Or do we use intellectual properties for our advantage without paying for the license (covetousness and act of idolatry)? Or what are we allowing/advocating in the media/arts/communications industry if the client wants suggestive advertising? These are just some examples that test how we choose to live a consecrated and sanctified life in the workplace. Are we able to stand up for our Godly principles and values in our workplace?

Dr J Robert Clinton in his book “The Making of a leader” stated 5-character development in our inner life growth when we are promoted and will face in our workplace:
1) Values (determines conviction)
2) Temptation (tests conviction)
3) Persecution (tests steadfastness)
4) Loyalty (tests allegiance)
5) Restitution (tests honesty)

If we truly have a consecrated and sanctified life, then we will be able to grow and develop these 5 in our inner life when we are tested in our workplace. The Holy Spirit will prompt us to do things we should or shouldn’t do.

People need to see Christ in us in our workplace and the lifestyle that we lead through our consecrated and sanctified life. As Daniels of today, we must advocate the right values and principles. God has placed us there for a purpose and that is to lead by example and to make a difference.

Sermon Series: The Daniels of Today (Part 2)


在我们基督徒的生活中,一个圣洁的生命是非常重要的。圣经上说,“所以你们要自洁成圣,因为我是耶和华-你们的 神。(利未记 20:7)分别为圣意味着脱离邪恶,转向主,预备为神所用。成圣的生活是一生的过程,在我们私底下和公開的生活中都要活出一种圣洁的生活方式,每天将我们自己分别出来,归于神。在基督里我们是新造的人,每天靠着圣灵赋予的大能,我们就能战胜诱惑。



在我们工作生活中,我们是否像但以理一样? 我们的同事/竞争对手能否挖出我们的污点、破坏我们的声誉或以任何方式诋毁我们?例如,我们是否在办公室与异性有不洁/暗示性的对话?或者,当我们在谈判交易时,我们采取收取回扣/台面下的报价?还是将客户从以前的公司带到我们的新公司而违反道德?或者,我们为自己的利益使用知识产权,而末支付相关许可证(贪婪和偶像崇拜的行为)?或者,如果客户想要暗示性广告,我们在媒体/艺术/传播行业允许/倡导什么? 这些只是一些例子,测试我们如何在职场中选择成圣和圣洁的生活。我们能否在我们的职场中坚持我们敬虔的原则和价值观?

1) 价值观(确定信念)
2) 诱惑(试探信念)
3) 逼迫(试探坚定性)
4) 忠诚(试探试探忠诚)
5) 归还(试探试探诚实)


