Today’s Sunday Service – 19 June 2022

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

Join our online service as we prepare the following online agenda so that you will still be able to connect with ICS during this period. ICS continues to minister to fellow Christians and Church members through our Praise and Worship, studying the Word of God via online sermons (both audio and video), questions and answers, and also prayer requests.

欢迎参加 ICS 线上聚会。我们致力于提供以下的聚会流程,协助你在这段期间连结ICS ,让我们与你同行。ICS会持续地透过线上主日信息(音频、影音)。包括赞美敬拜,读经,问题讨论,代祷,来服事基督肢体和教会家人们。

Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Pastor Daniel Ho
Title: How To Walk By Faith In God?
Main Scripture: Hebrews 11:1, 6

讲员:Kelly 袁牧师
章节:希伯来书 11:1, 6

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English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译)

English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译) Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)


1. 请解释“凭着信心而不是凭着眼见行事”是什么意思,以及为什么人非有信就不能得上帝的喜悦。为何我们的信心必须以上帝的话语为基础,尤其是当情况似乎与它相矛盾或缺乏实际的证据来支持它的时候?
(马太福音 8:5-10, 13; 希伯来书 11:1, 6; 哥林多后书 5:7; 约翰一书 5:14-15)

2. 你能从“百夫长相信耶稣话语的权柄来医治他的仆人的信心”中学到什么? 你为什么真的相信那“自有永有的”是唯一的真神?
(马太福音 8:8b-9; 耶利米书 32:26-27; 出埃及记 3:14)

3. 当你在生活中面对高山或困难时,知道我们的上帝是无限的,并且是创造万物的上帝是如何帮助你去理解祂的伟大和存在? 你是否只在处于危机时才寻求上帝?我们应该如何寻求上帝? 分享在你遇到的困难情况下,你如何能应用讲道中提到操练信心的4个步骤。
(启示录 1:8; 诗篇 46:10; 马太福音 8:13)

English Service 英文聚会

English Service Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)

CG Discussion Questions:

1. Explain what it means to walk by faith and not by sight, and why it is impossible to please God without faith. Why must our faith be based on the Word of God especially when situations seem to contradict it or lack of physical evidence to support it?
(Matthew 8:5-10, 13; Hebrews 11:1; 2 Corinthians 5:7; 1 John 5:14-15)

2. What can you learn from the centurion’s faith in believing the authority of Jesus’ word to heal his servant? On what basis do you really believe that the great “I AM” is the one true God?
(Matthew 8:8b-9; Jeremiah 32:26-27; Exodus 3:14)

3. How does knowing that our God is infinite and the God of creation help you understand His greatness and existence when you face mountains or problems in your life? Do you only seek God when you are in a crisis and explain how we should seek Him diligently? Share how you can apply faith in your situation using the 4 steps mentioned in the sermon.
(Revelations 1:8; Psalm 46:10; Matthew 8:13)

Weekly Prayer Points

Praise You Lord for You are good and Your mercy endures forever.
We will lift up Your name and give You the glory and honour due Your name.

Thank you that You have a purpose for each one of us and we pray that everyone will catch the vision of ICS that ‘We are a family blessed to bless the community and the nations’. Thank you that You have bless us abundantly that we can bless others financially and support the seminary students and others who are in ministry. You are ever faith to provide for us.

We pray that we will walk in love and unity towards one and another. That we will be like minded, having the same love, of being of one accord and of one mind. (Philippians 2:2 New King James)
使我们意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念。(腓立比书 2:2)

Praise the Lord that the lockdown in Shanghai has been lifted. Pray for normalcy in the lives of the people and in the city.

Pray that the church will stay united despite of the prolonged closure of the onsite church services.

Pray for Pastor Daniel that the anointing and wisdom of the Lord be upon him as he prepares the sermon and that the presence of the Lord be in the midst wherever the people will be watching the service, that the people will receive the word and grow in You. Pray that people will be saved.

Thank you Holy Spirit that You are moving in our midst on our online service. Pray that the hearts of the people will be good soil to receive the word and be encouraged and built up, that we will be doers of the word and be blessed.

Pray that the kids and youth daily devotion will draw them closer to God. Pray for the kids online Sunday gathering to have more participants.

Pray that the Lord will give those are working in the business and corporate world wisdom as they go about their business and work. Pray that the Lord will bless the work of their hands.

We pray for Barbara Wentroble for her 6 sermon series for the market place. We pray that the people will receive the teachings and the impartation.

We pray for the media and translation team as they work on the subtitles for the video.

We pray for the devotional team. We pray for the writers as they put together Pastor Daniel’s sermons into bite sizes for the daily posting. We pray for the Chinese translators too.

Pray for Ukraine. Pray for the leaders and the people.

Always pray for the lost, that the veil over their eyes will be lifted and they will come to know the Lord. *永远为失丧的灵魂得着救赎祈求。除去蒙住他们眼睛的帕子,让他们认识主。

Pray for ICSG that they will be able to reach out to the lost. Pray that the activity center will be used wisely and to use it for outreach programs to reach the lost. 为ICS新加坡教会祷告,愿他们能接触到那些失丧的灵魂。求主让活动中心能得着智慧的使用,并将其用于外展计划,让失丧的人们得到帮助。

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