Today’s Sunday Service – 01 May 2022

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

Join our online service as we prepare the following online agenda so that you will still be able to connect with ICS during this period. ICS continues to minister to fellow Christians and Church members through our Praise and Worship, studying the Word of God via online sermons (both audio and video), questions and answers, and also prayer requests.

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Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Pastor Daniel Ho
Title: How To Deal Different Challenges In Our Lives?
Main Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

讲员:Kelly 袁牧师
章节:哥林多后书 4:7-18

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English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译)

English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译) Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)


1. 你目前正在经历哪些苦难、逆境或挑战,以及当明白这些与天堂里的永恒相比是短暂的,这如何对你带来帮助?参照迦勒在面对那地的巨人时是如何说出内心的所确信的(信念),来解释“信心的灵”是什么意思。
(启示录 21:4-5; 哥林多后书 4:17-18; 马可福音 13:7-8; 哥林多后书 4:13; 民数记 14:24; 民数记 13:30)

2. 明白从我们口舌所说出的言语会释放出掌管我们生命的权柄,那么当我们面对困境时,我们应该如何说出不一样的话语?上帝应许“我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全”,当上帝的大能在你里面彰显时,这应许如何帮助你渡过那充满挑战的时期?
(诗篇 107:1-2; 箴言 18:20-21; 哥林多后书 4:7,10; 哥林多后书 12:9; 以弗所书 3:16)

3. 讨论你是否经历过四面受敌、心里作难、遭逼迫或被打倒了的困境,以及上帝应许了什么来应对这些挑战?有哪些经文给予过你鼓励能因信并坚定地如此说出口来帮助你度过苦难和扭转困难局面?
(哥林多后书 4:8-9; 希伯来书 4:15-16)

English Service 英文聚会

English Service Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)

CG Discussion Questions:

1. What are the sufferings, adversities or challenges you are currently experiencing and how does knowing that these are temporary in comparison to eternity in heaven help you? Explain what having a “spirit of faith” means, with reference to how Caleb spoke out of the conviction of his heart when he faced the giants of the land.
(Revelation 21:4-5; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18; Mark 13:7-8; 2 Corinthians 4:13; Numbers 14:24; Numbers 13:30)

2. Knowing that what we say through our mouth releases authority over our lives, how should we be speaking differently when we are faced with circumstances? How does God’s promise of “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” help you to sustain through the challenging times as God’s inherent power is manifested in you?
(Psalm 107:1-2; Proverbs 18:20-21; 2 Corinthians 4:7, 10; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Ephesians 3:16)

3. Discuss if you have experienced difficult situations of being hard-pressed, perplexed, persecuted or struck down and what has God promised to counter these challenges. What are some encouraging Bible scriptures that have helped you to believe and be able to speak with conviction to withstand the sufferings and turn the situations around?
(2 Corinthians 4:8-9; Hebrews 4:15-16)

Weekly Prayer Points

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your love and grace.
We praise and exalt Your name in all the earth.
You change not and Your loving kindness is new every morning.

Thank you that You have a purpose for each one of us and we pray that everyone will catch the vision of ICS that ‘We are a family blessed to bless the community and the nations’.
Thank you that You have bless us abundantly that we can bless others financially and support the seminary students and others who are in ministry. You are ever faith to provide for us.

We pray that we will walk in love and unity towards one and another.
That we will be like minded, having the same love, of being of one accord and of one mind. (Philippians 2:2 New King James)
使我们意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念。(腓立比书 2:2)

We pray for Pastor Daniel that You would give him greater insights into the Word of God that he will speak forth the word that You want him to speak to the people in this season. We pray that our faith will be built up.

Thank you Holy Spirit that You are moving in our midst on our online service. We pray that the people will worship and receive the word wholeheartedly, that we be doers of Your Word and bear fruits in our lives.

We pray for the Kids Church and Trailblazers that You would work in their hearts that they would grow intimately with You, spending time in Your presence in worship, prayer in reading the Word.

We pray for Pastor Kelly and the team that Your anointing be upon them as they prepare the sermons that will minister to the children and youth. Pour out Your HOLY SPIRIT UPON THEM that their lives will be transformed.

We pray for the children and youth who still do not know You to come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

We pray for church members who are under lock down that You will infuse Your love and grace into them.

We pray for Barbara Wentroble for her 6 sermon series for the market place. We pray that the people will receive the teachings and the impartation.

We pray for the media and translation team as they work on the subtitles for the video.

We pray for the devotional team. We pray for the writers as they put together Pastor Daniel’s sermons into bite sizes for the daily posting. We pray for the Chinese translators too.

Praise God that the authorities have made adjustment to the policy to allow parents to be with their children who are infected with COVID-19. Let us continue to pray for the authorities as they work on the exit plan or the adjustment to the policies to suit the current situation. Pray for the execution of the three categories of lockdown, monitor and control to be implemented well.

Pray for the medical staff and hospitals not to be overwhelmed by the rise in COVID-19 cases. May the also allocate resources to help those who are aged, critically ill and those who need periodic medical assistant.

Pray for the logistic arrangement to be efficient to cater to the needs of the residents of Shanghai. Pray for the delivery drivers and riders to have a good place to rest. They need to have a daily PCR test before setting off to work.

Pray for ourselves to have patience, kindness, gentleness, and love towards our family members when everyone is at home. May the Lord grant us the strength to cater to the need of everyone and strive to understand each other’s challenges.

Pray for the high school students especially those who are taking AP to have the peace in their heart and mind as their examination are being interrupted by the current pandemic. May the those who are taking IB be given the university of their choice based on their school’s assessment results.

Pray for the church staff as they make adjustment to the online contents. May we they be able to connect with all the kids, youth and adults effectively.

We pray for ICSG that You anoint Pastor Sandra’s lips as she preaches weekly.

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