Today’s Sunday Service – 19 April 2020

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

Join our online service as we prepare the following online agenda so that you will still be able to connect with ICS during this period. ICS continues to minister to fellow Christians and Church members through our Praise and Worship, studying the Word of God via online sermons (both audio and video), questions and answers, and also prayer requests.

欢迎参加 ICS 线上聚会。我们致力于提供以下的聚会流程,协助你在这段期间连结ICS ,让我们与你同行。ICS会持续地透过线上主日信息(音频、影音)。包括赞美敬拜,读经,问题讨论,代祷,来服事基督肢体和教会家人们。

Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Pastor Daniel Ho and Pastor Kim
Job & I (Part 2)
Main Scripture: 
James 5:11-15

讲员:何牧师 和 金牧师
讲题:约伯与我 (第二部份)
章节:雅各书 5:11-15

Today’s Announcements

• Please note that all ICS cell group spotlights and meetings will resume upon further notice.
• 请注意,所有小组聚会以及小組聚光燈将等候当地政府进一步通知后方可恢复正常运作。

• Please note that Anchor youth will meet with Sarah (Youth Director) via Zoom, Sunday evenings at 8pm until church services resume gathering. If they would like to receive the link because they are not in the youth or parent WeChat groups, kindly email to before Sunday.
• 请注意,青少年将于每周日晚上8点与我们的青少年总监 Sarah 在 Zoom会议线上聚会, 直到聚会恢复正常。若他们还未曾加入青少年的微信群组,请在周日前发送邮件至

• The Vessel Mar-2020 is available on the ICS Website, please click here to download it.
• 三月份的季刊已上传到ICS网站,请点击下载。

Giving 奉献

For any queries, please refer to our Finance Manager, Peifen Zhu at

ICS thank you for your Giving.

Audio Link:


Great Things
CCLI Song #7111321
© Phil Wickham Music

Verse 1

Come let us worship our King
Come let us bow at His feet
He has done great things
See what our Saviour has done
See how His love overcomes
He has done great things
He has done great things

来敬拜我们的王 来屈膝在祂脚前
来看我们救主作为 看祂的爱得胜
祂已成了大事 祂已成了大事


O Hero of Heaven
You conquered the grave
You free every captive
And break every chain
O God You have done great things
We dance in Your freedom
Awake and alive
O Jesus our Saviour
Your name lifted high
O God You have done great things

天上的主宰 祢胜过死亡
祢释放被囚的 砍断一切枷锁
喔主 祢已成了大事
喔 耶稣 我们的救主 愿祢名被高举
喔主 祢已成了大事

Verse 2

You’ve been faithful
Through every storm
You’ll be faithful forevermore
You have done great things
And I know You will do it again
For Your promise is yes and amen
You will do great things
God You do great things

每个风暴中 祢仍然信实
祢信实直到永远 祢已成了大事
我知道祢仍会做同样的事 因祢的应许是是和阿门
祢将成就大事 主祢做大事


Hallelujah God above it all
Hallelujah God unshakable
Hallelujah You have done great things
(You’ve done great things)
You have done great things
O God You do great things

哈利路亚 主超乎一切 哈利路亚 主不至动摇
哈利路亚 祢已成了大事 祢已成了大事
喔主 祢成就大事


This Is Amazing Grace
CCLI Song #6333821
© 2012 Bethel Music, Seems Like Music, Sing My Songs, Phil Wickham Music, and Warner Chappell Music

Verse 1

Who breaks the power of sin and darkness
Whose love is mighty and so much stronger
The King of Glory
The King above all kings
Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder
And leaves us breathless in awe and wonder
The King of Glory
The King above all kings

谁破除黑暗 罪恶的权势
谁爱的大能 远胜过一切
谁以雷声来 震动这世界
谁令人赞叹 祂奇妙作为


This is amazing grace
This is unfailing love
That You would take my place
That You would bear my cross
You laid down Your life
That I would be set free
Oh Jesus I sing for
All that You’ve done for me

这是奇妙恩典 祢不失败的爱
祢竟会代替我 为我承担十架
舍下祢的生命 释放我得自由
耶稣 我宣扬 祢所做的一切

Verse 2

Who brings our chaos back into order
Who makes the orphan a son and daughter
The King of Glory the King of Glory
Who rules the nations with truth and justice
Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance
The King of Glory
The King above all kings

谁把我混乱 带回到秩序
谁使这孤儿 成为神儿女
荣耀的君王 万王之王
以真理公义 祢掌管列国
在一切事上 如明光照耀


Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Worthy worthy worthy

配得 配得 祢配得


祢爱永不变 (Your Steadfast Love)
© 2002 Heaventunes International


祢流出宝血 洗净我污秽
ni liu chu bao xie xi jing wo wu hui
jiang wo di sheng ming shu hui
祢为了我的罪 牺牲永不悔
ni wei liao wo di zui xi sheng yong bu hui
xian ming ni ji da en hui
我深深体会 祢爱的宝贵
wo shen shen ti hui ni ai di bao gui
xian shang zi ji yong zhui sui
huo shang xin huo qi nei
huo sheng li huo si bie
yuan gang qiang zhuang dan
yong yuan bu hou tui

The blood You have shed washed away my sin
restored my life once again
You sacrificed for my sin yet never regreted
You revealed to me Your amazing grace
Now I understand how precious is Your love
I offer my life to follow You
In sorrow or in pain, in parting or in death
May I be strengthened and never turn away


喔 祢爱永不变 从今直到永远
o ni ai yong bu bian cong jin zhi dao yong yuan
shen shen jiao guan wo xin tian
huo tian xuan huo di zhuan
jing cang hai li sang tian
dou bu neng jiao wo yu ni ai ge jue

Oh Your love never change from now until the end
deeply filled my heart with grace
No circles of distress, no oceans of despair
For Your love never leaves me, never fails


O Praise The Name (Anastasis)
CCLI Song #7037787
© 2015 Hillsong Music Publishing

Verse 1

I cast my mind to Calvary
Where Jesus bled and died for me
I see His wounds His hands His feet
My Saviour on that cursed tree

我心思想加略山上 耶稣流血为我舍身
见祂伤痕在祂手脚 救主在那诅咒木上

Verse 2

His body bound and drenched in tears
They laid Him down in Joseph’s tomb
The entrance sealed by heavy stone
Messiah still and all alone

布裹尸首 泪水浸透 安放祂在约瑟墓里
巨石封闭在墓道里 弥赛亚祂独自安息


O praise the Name
Of the Lord our God
O praise His Name forevermore
For endless days
We will sing Your praise
Oh Lord oh Lord our God

赞美祂名 我的主我神
赞美祂名 直到永远
永无止境 高唱赞美祢
喔主 我主我神

Verse 3

Then on the third at break of dawn
The Son of heaven rose again
O trampled death where is your sting
The angels roar for Christ the King


Verse 4

He shall return in robes of white
The blazing sun shall pierce the night
And I will rise among the saints
My gaze transfixed on Jesus’ face

身穿白袍 祂将再临


International Church of Shanghai
CCLI Copyright License #390109

Chinese Sermon 中文证道

Video Direct Link:

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)
Chinese Sermon Page Link (download available here)


Audio Link:



1. 讨论在苦难或危机中如何能像约伯一样忍耐和坚持不懈,尤其要知道如今有耶稣作为我们在新约里的中保/调解人来处理我们的罪,并在魔鬼试图控告并设法定我们罪时,成为我们在天上最好的辩护者,被告辩护或法律顾问。
(雅各书5:11-15; 提摩太前书2:5; 约翰一书2:1-2)


2. 讨论你是否仅在蒙受祝福的时候赞美上帝,而在苦难中抛弃或诅咒上帝。是什么使我们能够坦然无惧地,来到施恩的宝座前?
(约翰福音16:24; 希伯来书4:16; 腓立比书3:9)


3. 当知道魔鬼有权篩去我们的信心,并且是魔鬼的战术计谋,利用我们最亲近的人如约伯的妻子来破坏和施压在我们身上时,我们应该如何来应对我们的婚姻或家庭关系。
(约伯记2:9-10; 彼得前书5:8; 传道书4:12)

English Sermon 英文证道

Video Link:

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)
English Sermon Page Link (download available here)


Audio Link:


Zoom Call – In Conversation With
If you are already in a cellgroup, the zoom call link will be sent to your CG leader via WeChat on Thursday Afternoon.
If you want us to send you the Zoom Call link individually or if you are not part of a Cellgroup, please register by clicking the link below.
Register Here

For your questions, please fill up the form through this link below.
Fill up your Question Here


CG Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss how you can persevere like Job in the midst of suffering or crisis, especially knowing that nowadays we have Jesus as the mediator of the new covenant to deal with our sins, and as the best advocate, defendant or legal counsel in heaven whenever the devil attempts to bring charges against us.
(James 5:11-15; 1 Timothy 2:5; 1 John 2:1-2)


2. Discuss if you praise God only during the time of His blessings while deserting or cursing God in the midst of suffering. What enables us to approach the throne of grace with boldness?
(John 16:24; Hebrews 4:16; Philippians 3:9)


3. How should we respond in our marriage or family relationship knowing that the devil has the right to sift our faith; and it’s the devil’s tactic to break and pressurize us using the people closest to us like Job’s wife?
(Job 2:9-10; 1 Peter 5:8; Ecclesiastes 4:12)

Weekly Prayer Points

1. May the Church be blessed by the online worship and sermon, that they shall receive grace and experience unity through Holy Spirit.


2. Pray for the church, that ICS will have breakthrough during this difficult time with the guidance of God. Along with the church mission, may the Lord give greater wisdom and strengthen Pastor Daniel and the ICS staff.


3. Pray for the REVIVAL in the year 2020 – All cell groups and church members running towards the vision given by God to ICS.
请为教会2020年的复兴代求 – 所有小组及教会成员都一同向着神给 ICS 的异象努力。


4. We ask the Lord for protection and guidance upon TEC’s ministry, we pray for His promises to be fulfilled in the works they’ve done. We pray for His wisdom upon each of the TEC staff, may their work channel His Gospel, His grace and faithfulness will shine through the work of their hands.


5. Pray for our pastors, board members, ministry leaders, cell group leaders, church staffs as well as their families. We ask the Lord to protect and strengthen their body, soul and spirit with His grace. May their work in the marketplace be filled with God’s abundant grace, as they commit to His kingdom, the church of God.


6. Pray that God will guide us in building up new churches in the nations He leads us to according to the word God has given ICS.
求神按着祂给 ICS 的话语带领我们去到各国为祂建立教会。


7. May the Lord help couples, parents, and children to have a more harmonious relationship, pray for the restoration of worship culture in each family. Pray for protection upon the families abroad, and may the children whose studying abroad shall experience God’s faith and peace.


8. We lift up our prayers for those brothers are sisters who are affected physically, emotionally, economically and even within families. We pray that their faith will not be weakened, may the Blood of Jesus covers all fear and despair during this time. We especially pray for those who are faced with challenges at work, may the Lord strengthen them.


9. Pray for the development of the epidemic. Continue to pray that the spreading of the disease will stop in His name, may the Lord protect the safety of the medical teams, for continuous wisdom and strength upon the government and related personnel. Let’s pray that all churches of different nations will come before the Lord and pray earnestly as one, churches will proclaim the Lord’s name over the power of darkness.


10. Pray for In Christ Singapore, Pastor Sandra Westerdahl, board members, church staff, volunteers and their family members. Pray that God will draw new visitors and former ICS members back to worship and serve Him.
请为新加坡分会,Sandra Westerdahl 牧师,董事会成员,志愿者以及其家庭成员代祷。求神吸引新成员和过去 ICS 的成员加入敬拜和事奉的行列。

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想了解ICS更多详情,欢迎您浏览ICS官网。若您有任何疑问,欢迎您发邮件到 查询。