230122 – Tapping into God’s Ideas 寻求上帝的旨意

Habakkuk 2:1 (NKJV) I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected.

A true leader will not shy away from responsibilities. He or she will do what is right, make difficult decisions and implement those decisions.

What kind of challenges are you facing in your life? You can be leading your family, a department, a division, or the entire company. Are you making the difficult but needed decisions?

We cannot afford to be clueless leaders about ministry or business direction. We have to know what point B looks like from point A or else the entire church or company will be lost. If we don’t know where point B is or how it looks like then we won’t know when we have arrived. There will be a new point B at different times and seasons of the ministry or business. We have to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. God knows the point B for every church and business. We have been taught to pray “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. There is a will of God in heaven for each of us and at different stages of our lives. It is our responsibility to pray down His will!  We can’t lead if we are directionless or keep doing the same thing even when the season for doing certain ministry or business is already over….the church members will be scattered and employees will be disillusioned. We are flogging a dead horse if we don’t move with the time and season that God has put in place. The businessman who hasn’t got a clue how to reinvent in a crisis will eventually have to close down the business. It need not be the case for a Christian businessman because he can tap into God’s idea. 

As a Christian businessman we can trust the creative God whom we serve to give us unique and creative ideas. It will help us to develop and strategize the business with fresh ideas for the new season. We need to also take time to pray through the idea that God has impressed upon our heart. You can be the leader to lead people into a new idea or business strategy because there are boundless ideas from a creative God. All these ideas are found and impregnated during your closet time with God. We need to jot down those creative and ideas that comes from God.

Good ideas might work but God’s idea will prosper regardless of whether it’s ministry or business. 

Sermon Series: Pivoting


哈巴谷书2:1-4 我要站在守望所,立在望楼上观看,看耶和华对我说什么话,我可用什么话向他诉冤。



我们不能在事工或生意方向上成为毫无头绪的领导者。我们必须知道从A点看B点是什么样子,否则整个教会或公司都会不明所以。如果我们不知道B点在哪里,或者不知道它看起来怎么样,那么我们就算到了B点也不知道。事工或生意会随着时间和节期的更迭而产生新的B点。我们必须对圣灵的带领保持敏感。上帝知道每个教会和企业的B点。我们被教导祷告“愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上”。在我们每个人生命的不同阶段,天堂里都有上帝的旨意。我们有责任祈求上帝的旨意降临。如果我们茫无头绪,甚至在某事工或生意的季节早已结束时仍旧继续做同样的事,我们将无法带领 ….教会成员将会四散,员工会感到幻灭。如果我们不按照上帝安排的时间和季节行动,我们将徒劳无功。那些不知道如何在危机中重塑企业的商人最终将不得不关闭企业。然而对于一个基督徒商人来说,情况会不一样,因为他可以寻求上帝的旨意。


