Exodus 33:11b (NKJV) But his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle.
Someone once said, “Attitude will determine your altitude.” Aaron was assigned to Moses to help him since Moses complained that he stuttered and had difficulty communicating with the Pharaoh. Although Aaron was given the opportunity to serve with one of the most outstanding leaders in history, he failed to retain the position when he spoke against Moses with Miriam when pride got the better of him. Aaron was also instrumental in creating the golden calf when Moses was delayed in coming down from the mountain after speaking with God. He led the people astray.
In contrast, while serving alongside Moses, Joshua had the right attitude towards God. Joshua was with Moses when he received the Ten Commandments, and he stayed in the tent of meeting when God spoke to Moses face to face. Joshua was subsequently given leadership when Moses died and failed to enter the Promised Land.
Choosing leadership succession is easier when someone has been proven faithful, is of the same spirit, and has the right attitude. Joshua ended his calling well. Those who started working with you need not necessarily be the ones to finish the project with you. Even if they are given opportunities, people can make mistakes. Therefore, take your time with an opportunity given to you, know your position, and the time for promotion will come when we are proven the right candidate for the role.
The saying “the experience of yesterday is a preparation for tomorrow” holds true for Joshua because he listened to God when He spoke to Moses face to face. Joshua got to know God by listening, and faith comes by hearing God’s Word. He got to know God’s character and attributes. Joshua had a different spirit but it did not happen by chance. His time spent in God’s presence caused him to be different from the ten other spies when he was sent to spy on the Promised Land. Joshua’s achieving faith is well documented in the Bible.
Daniel 11:32b (NKJV) says, “…the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits”, and Joshua did just that. Joshua led an entirely new generation to take the Promised Land despite needing to conquer the giants in the land. He knew that the presence of God would be with him as he led the Israelites to conquer the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He would have heard Moses say to God, “If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here” (Exodus 33:15, NKJV). Similarly, let us strengthen our faith, believing that God’s presence will be present when we draw near to Him daily.
Sermon Series:The Presence of God
出埃及记 33:11 但他仆人嫩的儿子,少年人约书亚,却没有离开帐幕。
“昨天的经历是为明天的准备”这句话用在约书亚身上再恰当不过,因为当神与摩西面对面说话时,他聆听了神的话。约书亚藉着聆听认识神,而信心是通过听神的话而来。他因此得以认识神的品格和属性。 约书亚别具一灵,但这并不是偶然发生的。当他被派去探查应许之地时,他在上帝面前度过的时间使他有别于其他十个探子。圣经中详尽记载了约书亚那不达目的誓不罢休的信心。
但以理书 11:32 说:“……惟独认识神的子民必刚强行事”,约书亚正是这么做的。尽管应许之地上有需要去征服的巨人,约书亚还是带领着全新的一代出征了。他知道,当他带领以色列人征服那应许给亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的土地时,上帝会与他同在。他一定是听到了摩西对上帝说:“如果你不亲自与我们同去,就不要把我们从这里送上去”(出埃及记 33:15)。同样,让我们加强信心,相信当我们每天亲近神的时候,神就会临在。
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