2 Chronicles 5:13-14 (NKJV) indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD, and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying: “For He is good, For His mercy endures forever,” that the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the LORD filled the house of God.
As children of God, we desire His presence, and Scripture has revealed to us what attracts His presence and otherwise. First, we need to be open to God’s work among us because as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8a). Secondly, the above passage tells us that unity among the body of believers also attracts His presence.
God dislikes division and strife among His people. God’s presence will not be there when people are divided because sin abounds when we have differences, arguments, and unforgiveness. Whenever there is strife and division, it is the work of the devil because he is the one who kills, steals, and destroys, whereas God is love and is a holy God.
King Solomon assembled the leaders, priests, and people to welcome the ark as it was brought into the temple. The ark represented God’s holiness and presence in the land and the people of Israel. The trumpeters and singers were as united as if they were one when they praised and thanked God by lifting their voices and singing the attributes of God—His goodness and mercy. It was their intentional act of worship towards God and their united and deliberate praise and worship that brought the presence of God. They approached God as a people, and the cloud that signified God’s presence filled the temple when the musicians were in one accord. Praise and worship attract the presence of God because people in the Old and New Testaments drew near to God through worship. This is why the worship segment is so important in church services. There shouldn’t be any strife or division regarding worship because it is all about God, not us.
Today, we don’t have an ark or a temple, but we ourselves are the temple of God because the Holy Spirit dwells in us. We are the living stones that make up the church of the living God. Therefore, we need to welcome the presence of God with the right attitude towards worship, where we intentionally praise and worship God as a body of believers. As the worship leader leads us through praise and songs, we should praise God wholeheartedly as one until the spirit of worship comes or the glory falls. Then, we will stand in His glory.
Sermon Series:The Presence of God
历代志下5:13-14 13 吹号的、歌唱的都一同发声,声音洪亮地赞美感谢耶和华;吹号、敲钹,用各样的乐器,扬声赞美耶和华,说:“因祂本为善,祂的慈爱永远长存!”那时,耶和华的殿有云充满,14 以致祭司不能站立供职,因为耶和华的荣耀充满了神的殿。
讲章系列: 神的同在
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