“Every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars.”
– James 1:17
God, our Heavenly Father loves us in words and in action. He loves us so much that he gave us the best gift in human History. His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Today, whoever receives Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord will not perish but have eternal life.
As Christians, we need to walk and follow Jesus everyday of our life. He has so much blessings in store for us. He gives us grace, and His grace is sufficient! It is the unmerited favor that we can experience every time we have fellowship with Him.
Now that we are saved, he gives us opportunities to experience His presence, His protection, His love, His care and His faithfulness.
We can be influenced by His thoughts and we can also be guided by His Spirit!
He gives us direction, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and everything that we need.
What a generous giver we serve!
Prayer: Lord, I give you praise! You are so good to me! Thank you for giving me hope and a future! Amen!