“We love because he first loved us.”
– 1 John 4:19
Our ability to love comes from God. The Bible says “we love because he first loved us”. The love of God toward us is unconditional. It never fails. God doesn’t love sin. He hates sin, but He loves the sinner. In His great love for us, God gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to bring salvation to this sinful world. The Bible says, “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Acts 2:21 NIV)
Jesus means Jehovah salvation. He is able to heal you because of his love for you. He is able to help you recover from anything that hurt you physically and emotionally. He is a father to the fatherless. He can restore the joy of your salvation. He can rise you up again when you fall. He is our living hope.
In Christ Jesus, we can experience the love of God in every area of our lives. He gave us a loving family and friends, and His church is a place where God manifest his presence and his goodness.
The Bible encourages us to worship God every morning. We can make it a habit. It will bring us joy and comfort because His love is divine. It strengthens our heart, waters our soul, and sharpens our mind. We should not be anxious about anything, but in any situation, we can present our request to the Most High God.
He cares.
Prayer: God, you are my God. My Abba Father in whom I can find refuge. I bless your Holy Name. I worship you. I come to you this day, just as I am. Fill me with your love. Holy Spirit, I welcome you to this place. Anoint me with the oil of joy today. Help me remember your amazing love, Lord. Amen