“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
– 1 Corinthians 16:13
The Apostle Paul was a man of faith. However, he didn’t start well. He first started his mission by persecuting believers because he thought it was wrong to follow Jesus. But one day, he met the Lord Jesus in a vision. Jesus told him that hurting the church means hurting the Lord Jesus who is the head of the church. Later on, Paul became the greatest preacher of his time. He wrote letters to believers in order to help them know more about God.
Paul knows how hard is it to live a Christian life in a fallen society where God is not mentioned anywhere but evil is celebrated almost everywhere. Movies, cartoons, advertisements, entertainment, games, books and even the music industry is used by the evil one to promote a life away from God. That’s why we need to be on our guard. We must guard our heart and mind in Christ. Our prayer life must be consistent so we can develop a stronger fellowship with God.
Jesus knew that without him on earth we will be like sheep surrounded by wolves. That’s why he sent His Holy Spirit. Our job is to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit wherever we are. We must learn to have the Spirit of discernment so we can stand firm in faith. Have you ever read a book or listened to the words of a popular pop music group and noticed the subtle message behind it? Did it promote holiness? Be courageous and walk away from sinful habits or any environment that doesn’t bring glory to God.
This is a serious issue. Don’t underestimate the power of the sin. In the contrary, value and take possession of the power of God living in you. Ask God to open your eyes so you may see the reality of this world. When your faith is tested, remember to be on your guard; stand firm; be courageous and strong. In Christ you can do all things, but not everything is beneficial.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for Your Word. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for leading me each day. Give me strength to face any situation today. May the joy of the Lord be my strength. Teach me to rejoice in every situation and develop in me a cheerful heart. I want to pursue peace and love what is true, what is pure and admirable. I know I can do it in Christ alone! Amen.