“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble”
– Psalm 59 : 16
David experienced the strength that comes from the Lord. It was such a special moment he just couldn’t help but sing about it. God is the strength of our heart. He wants to be our portion. When we allow him to fill us with his presence, His joy becomes our joy and His strength becomes our strength.
May the joy of the Lord strengthen your heart this morning so it can overflow with a song of praise and worship. Our God is Spirit. The true worshipers will worship Him with Spirit and truth.
So, allow Him to fill you with His love because His love never fails. It is unconditional and it will guard you from evil thoughts and evil deeds. When the enemy tries to lead you astray or when time of trouble arrive, take comfort in knowing and believing that God is your fortress. He is your refuge. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hide His Word in your heart, so you might not sin against Him. Sing to Him a new song and praise Him for His goodness.
Prayer: Lord, I give you my heart this morning. Fill it with your love. Teach me how to truly worship you with my Spirit.