Titus 1:1-3
“Hey, did you hear about Rebecca?”
“I heard a juicy rumor, but you can’t tell anyone I told you.” “She is a fake. Let me tell you the truth.”
Gossip. You either love it or hate it depending on which side you’re on. Simply put, gossiping is when you choose to share something that damages someone else. Even if it’s the truth, it’s not your place to share something personal about someone else. It’s dangerously easy to fall victim to gossip because people love it and love talking about it. You can see the excitement on someone’s face when you begin to share insider information that they shouldn’t know.
Gossip says way more about you than the person you’re slandering. Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “Great minds discuss ideas. Mediocre minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” Gossip is toxic— it will poison you and those around you.
Gossip is a major theme in the book of Titus which leads us to assume that it was a major problem in his ministry. Paul thinks it’s crucial to crush it because he knows that it can collapse their community. God desires unity and community for all of us, so He’s naturally against gossip. Titus 3:1-2 explains, “Be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.” Paul is imploring Titus to cultivate harmony as a leader. How does he tell him to do that? Refuse to gossip and act gently towards everyone. Paul then gives advice about dealing with a gossiping person. He suggests that you correct them in a loving manner, but if the problem persists, then you need to cut them out of your life. It’s a serious solution because it’s a serious problem.
I am sure you’ve heard that sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Sure, it rhymes, but that doesn’t make it true. Words can hurt badly. Especially words spread about you behind your back. Gossip will tear apart your friendships, derail your reliability, and harm people. Gossip doesn’t just hurt others; it hurts you in the end. People who are willing to gossip with you will inevitably gossip about you.
Choose gentleness over gossip from here on out. Believe the best in people. Spread good words about others. Brag on your friends. Strive to speak with love, kindness, and grace. That Christ-driven positivity will flow from within you into your entire sphere of influence which will change the atmosphere around you. There is so much power in positivity.