5 But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Matt 28:5-6
Q & A:
- What is the most critical change that Jesus’ death and resurrection has brought in our lives, with reference to our sins, salvation, and redemption? Discuss if you struggle with the feeling of condemnation of your past sins and unworthiness in the presence of God, and how we should renew our mind knowing that it is God who justifies and that we have the imputed righteousness given to us by Jesus. (2 Cor 5:19-21; Rom 10:9-10; Rom 8:32-35, 37)
- How does Jesus’ death on the cross reveal to us that God is a promise keeper, who kept His unconditional covenant with Abraham by sending forth the Messiah? Discuss if you have insecurity issues with your identity in this world especially in seeking acceptance from the others, and how to put it to practice knowing that we are accepted by God since we are hidden in Christ and that Jesus is Risen, alive and our covenant partner who we can call upon during our time of adversity, distress or tribulation. (John 16:33; Eph 1:6)
- Discuss how we should live by faith as opposed to seeing is believing of this world, considering how the apostle Thomas refused to believe that Jesus has resurrected unless he saw with Jesus’ nailed pierced hands his own eyes. What are the areas in your life that God is challenging you to step up in faith to trust in the Risen Lord to see you through the difficult times? (1 John 5:4; Rom 1:17; Heb 11:1, 6)