1211 – Let the Awesomeness of God Dwarf Your Problems 让上帝的可畏胜过你的挑战

Psalm 90:2 (NKJV) Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.

It is difficult to understand an infinite God with our finite minds. However, it will help us to understand the omnipotence and the existence of God by looking at the mountains which existed before we were born.

Genesis 1:1 (KNJV) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

God is not a created being because He existed well before creation. While mankind is finite, God is infinite—present at the beginning and the end. He is the creator of heaven and earth, from everlasting to everlasting. Present at the time of creation, He is also present with us now and will be present forever. As we look at the mountains and the sea, we marvel at His power and greatness, and are reminded that someone greater has created them.

 Exodus 3:14 (NKJV) And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

He is also the great I AM. This name helps us to look to Him by faith despite the difficulties we face. When Moses met God, the Israelites had forgotten that they had a covenant with God, and they needed to be convinced that whoever Moses was representing truly had the power to deliver! Our business cards give us an identity, the credibility and ability to negotiate on behalf of our company, but God told Moses to just tell the Israelites ‘I AM has sent me to you.’

This name of God, I AM, is a form of the verb “to be” in Hebrew, through which He expresses His self-existence and unchanging nature. He transcends the past, the present and the future. He has always been, He is and will always be. Because the great I AM is the inexhaustible God with divine sufficiency, there is endless abundance to meet any circumstance, challenge, demand, and surprise that comes our way.

The assurance that God gave Moses was that the great I AM was sending him to deliver the Israelites. This I AM was revealed when God did all the miracles in front of their eyes. He protected, provided, guided, and fought for them! Nothing and no one could withstand the deliverance of the Lord. He was everything the Israelites needed.

God exists whether mankind chooses to believe it or not because the opinion of men does not change the existence of God. Remembering that He existed long before we came into being, including the problem that we are facing today, will help us to look up to Him in our valleys of life! He is the great I AM who is and always will be.

Sermon Series: We Have an Unwavering Help and Support from the Lord


诗篇 90:2 诸山未曾生出,地与世界你未曾造成,从亘古到永远,你是神。


创世记 1:1 起初神创造天地。


出埃及记 3:14 神对摩西说、我是自有永有的。又说、你要对以色列人这样说、那自有的打发我到你们这里来




