0716 – The Switch of Faith 信心的开关

What is the switch of faith? The switch of faith is not just believing. Rather, it is a very specific belief. It consists of two elements. The switch of faith is the belief that the healing power of God has been administered and that it is working mightily in us to heal our bodies from the illness/disease.James 5:14-1520 (NKJV) Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

How do we know if a person has the switch of faith? We can determine this by what they believe in these two areas:
1) Do they believe that the healing power has been given to them when they were prayed for?
2) Do they believe that the power is working in them now to drive out the sickness/disease?

If they do not believe that the power is in them, then they do not have the switch of faith and it is difficult for them to keep it on. Many people do not have the switch of faith because they are in every prayer line that is offered to them. They are still trying to get God to heal them. They are still wondering whether or not they will ever be healed instead of giving thanks for their healing. Our confession of what we believe keeps the power working. Once we have been prayed for, from that moment on, we should be believing and talking about the healing power of God that is in us. As we do, all worry and fear will be dealt with.

The best vehicle to keep us thinking and talking about the power is THANKSGIVING. When we spend time giving thanks, we put ourselves in remembrance of what God has done for us: “Thank you, Father, that the power was administered to my body. I am not trying to get You to move, You have already moved on my behalf. Thank you that the power is given to me through the laying on of hands. It is working mightily in me. I cannot feel it but Father, You have said in Your words that believers shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover. I believe that I am recovering. I want to thank you, Father, that if it were not for You – I would remain sick. But now I believe that I am recovering.”

This is keeping the switch of faith on! No matter what the report is, keep thanking God and at the same time continue to follow the doctor’s instructions and keep taking the medication. We should confess that “The healing power of God in me, is working mightily. Thank You, Father!”. Refuse to walk by sight and hold on to faith. We should understand that our ability to abide by with what we believe in will determine the outcome. Keeping the switch of faith turned on increases our faith in His power. It would also be helpful for believers in Christ who have the same teaching as us to journey with us and stand in faith with us.

Sermon Series – Job and I (Part 4)



雅各书5:14-15 你们中间有病了的呢,他就该请教会的长老来,他们可以奉主的名用油抹他,为他祷告。 15 出于信心的祈祷要救那病人,主必叫他起来;他若犯了罪,也必蒙赦免。


如果他们不相信医治的能力在他们身上,那么他们就没有信心的开关,并且很难坚持下去。许多人没有信心的开关,因为他们仍会等候在每一个祷告队伍中。他们仍在设法求上帝的医治 。他们仍然想着他们是否会得到治愈,而不是感谢他们的被医治。


使我们始终思想和说出神的大能的最佳工具是感恩。当我们花时间感谢的时候,我们纪念上帝为我们所做的事情:“天父,谢谢你,你的大能已经在我的身上动工了。我不是在祈求你动工,你已经代我开始动工。 感谢你通过按手赐予我能力。它在我身上发挥着巨大作用。虽然我感觉不到,但是天父,你已经用你的话语告诉我信徒们为病人按手祷告,病人就得康复。我相信我正在康复。天父,我要感谢您,如果不是因为你-我的病不会好。但是现在我相信我正在康复。”

这是保持信心的开关一直开着!无论病情报告如何,继续感谢上帝,同时继续遵循医生的指示并继续服用药物。我们应该宣告,“上帝在我里面的医治能力正在我里面发挥极大地作用。谢谢你,天父!”。 拒绝依眼见而行,而是持定信心。我们要知道我们恪守信念的能力将决定结果。保持信心的开关一直开着增加我们对祂大能的信心。这也会帮助与我们接受同样教导的基督信徒与我们同行并与我们坚立在信心里。

讲章系列- 约伯与我 (第四部分)