0310- Perfect Love and Perfect Peace 完全的爱与完全的平安

It sounds unreasonable and harsh to ask someone who is bogged down and burdened by something challenging in life not to worry or be anxious. It is more of a loving reminder than a command. Peace belongs to us although the devil would attempt to steal it from us through the sifting process or sending tribulations our way to steal the Word from our hearts. What is hindering us from experiencing that peace is anxiety. The knowledge of the Word gives us peace especially when we know that as a believer we have Jesus’ kind of peace and His perfect love casts out all fear.There are a few common questions that will go through our minds when we are facing a very challenging situation in our lives. Most people would ask, “What have I done to bring about this problem in my life?” Sometimes, we are reaping what we have sown in the flesh for making the wrong investment, playing politics, insubordination, etc. We might even need to repent for our actions. Some might ask, “Is God punishing me for something that I have done?”  It is basically asking “Is this how God is looking me?” or “Is God angry with me?” It is tormenting when we are unsure of God’s love! Praise the Lord that we can be sure of God’s love and how He actually looks at us.

We need to settle the truth regarding how God looks at us so that we are aware that God is not against us. It is God’s desire for us to experience perfect love and perfect peace.

1 John 4:17-19 (NKJV) Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is NO FEAR in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us. (emphasis added)

The absence of FEAR is PEACE. Isn’t it wonderful to know that there is no fear in love and perfect love casts out all fear? Of course, the fear of death brings about the greatest anxiety in life and it is extremely tormenting when someone doesn’t know how they are to face a holy, righteous and just God. God first loved us and His perfect love is unconditional. God first loved us while we were sinners, imperfect and worthless. He knows our condition.

God’s perfect love towards us gives us perfect peace and absolute security in His love. Therefore, it sets us absolutely free from fear because there is nothing to fear if God is not against us but for us.  Our salvation is purely because of God’s abundant grace towards us and it is not by works. We will not be able to add anything to our salvation by our own actions.

Romans 8:33 (NKJV) Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.

Sermon Series: Don’t Panic


要求一个被生命中的挑战拖累负重前行的人不要担心或焦虑,这听起来很不合理和苛刻。与其说是命令,不如说是一个爱的提醒。平安属于我们,尽管魔鬼会试图通过筛我们来偷窃我们的平安,或者散播苦难来从我们的内心偷走 神的话语。那阻止我们经历平安的正是焦虑。对 神话语的了解给了我们平安,尤其当我们知道:作为信徒我们拥有耶稣的平安,祂的爱能除去一切的惧怕。 

当我们遭遇生命的挫折,脑中便会出现许多常见的疑问。大多数人都会问 “我到底是哪里做错,生活如此对待我?”有时,我们所收的正是曾经播在血气里的种子长出的结果。错误的投资,玩弄政治/权术,不服从命令等等。我们甚至可能需要为我们的行为来忏悔。有人或许会问 “神正在为了我曾经做过的事而惩罚我吗?”。这等于在问“ 神是这样看待我的吗”或者“ 神对我生气了吗?”当我们对 神的爱不确定时我们多么痛苦!赞美主,我们可以确信神的爱,以及祂是如何看待我们的。

 我们需要确定这个真理,就是神如何看我们,以便使我们清楚明白 神不与我们为敌。 神渴望我们经历完全的爱和完全的平安。

 约翰一书 4:17-19这样爱在我们里面得以完全,我们就可以在审判的日子,坦然无惧。因为他如何,我们在这世上也如何。18 爱里没有惧怕。爱既完全,就把惧怕除去。因为惧怕里含着刑罚。惧怕的人在爱里未得完全。19我们爱,因为神先爱我们。 

没有恐惧就是得着平安。知道爱里没有惧怕,完全的爱能除去一切惧怕,不是很妙吗?当然,对死亡的恐惧招致了生命中最大的焦虑,当有人不知道如何面对一个圣洁,公义和公正的 神时,这将会是极大的痛苦。 神先爱我们,祂完全的爱是无条件的。当我们还是罪人,不完美,不配的时候, 神就先爱了我们。祂知道我们的光景。

 神对我们完全的爱给了我们完全的平安及在祂爱里绝对的安全感。我们可以完全摆脱恐惧,因为如果神不敌挡我们,而是向着我们,就没有什么可害怕的。我们得救完全是因为 神丰盛的恩典,而不是靠行为。 我们无法靠自己的行为为救赎作任何增补。 

罗马书 8:33谁能控告神所拣选的人呢?有神称他们为义了。

 系列:别惊慌 – 应当一无挂虑