Today’s Sunday Service – 19 December 2021

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

Join our online service as we prepare the following online agenda so that you will still be able to connect with ICS during this period. ICS continues to minister to fellow Christians and Church members through our Praise and Worship, studying the Word of God via online sermons (both audio and video), questions and answers, and also prayer requests.

欢迎参加 ICS 线上聚会。我们致力于提供以下的聚会流程,协助你在这段期间连结ICS ,让我们与你同行。ICS会持续地透过线上主日信息(音频、影音)。包括赞美敬拜,读经,问题讨论,代祷,来服事基督肢体和教会家人们。

Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Pastor Daniel Ho
Title: He Came To Give You A New Identity (Part 2)
Main Scripture: Matthew 7:21-27

讲题:祂来给你一个新身份 (第二部分)
章节:马太福音 7:21-27

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English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译)

English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译) Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)



1. 你是否一直将自己的身份建立在自我价值的基础上,或受在这世上的诱惑让你们认为那些才是生命中更重要的?解释你是否与那个把房子的根基建立在沙子上的愚拙人有相同感叹之处,特别是缺乏远见性,在洪水和风暴来袭所带来的后果。
(马太福音 7:21-23,26-27; 诗篇 90:10)


2. 就我们的身份和寻求认可的对象而言,这世界告诉我们要效法些什么?讨论并分享你面临身份危机的挑战,或在人生的不同阶段,当没有人为你加油而感到丧失价值感的经历(如刚开始工作、中年事业危机、将要退休的人、空巢)。


3. 明白一个明智的人专注于寻求我们上帝的认可,作为唯一的拉拉队/支持者,你应该在什么基础上建立你的新身份?牢记我们是上帝的器皿,是上帝赐给我们所有恩赐和才能的管家,讨论我们如何能在上帝的旨意下活出我们的身份,看待祂把我们放在职场上或某个位置上,是为了成为一个有影响力的人。
(马太福音 7:24-25; 马太福音 6:19-21; 马太福音 25:21; 以弗所书 2:10)

English Service 英文聚会

English Service Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)


CG Discussion Questions:

1. Have you been building your identity on the sense of self-worth or the worldly lure of being significant in life? Explain how you may relate to the parable of the foolish man who built his house on the sand, especially with the lack of foresight and the outcome when the floods and storms hit.
(Matthew 7:21-23, 26-27; Psalm 90:10)


2. What is the world telling us to conform to in terms of our identity and whom we seek approval? Discuss and share the challenges of identity crisis or the experience of feeling worthless when nobody is cheering you on at the different stages of your life (e.g. new to start working, mid-life career halt, entering retirement, empty nest).


3. What foundation should you build your new identity on, knowing that a wise person is focused on seeking the approval from our God as the sole cheer leader? Bearing in mind that we are God’s workmanship and steward of all the gifts and talents that He has given us, discuss how we can live out our identity with God’s purpose of placing us in the marketplace or whatever position we hold to be a person of influence.
(Matthew 7:24-25; Matthew 6:19-21; Matthew 25:21; Ephesians 2:10)

Having problems watching or listening?


If you are experiencing difficulty watching or listening to our online services, kindly try the following solutions:

1. If you can, try to avoid watching or listening through our website on peak hours which is on Sundays from 7am to 12noon.
如果您可以的话,建议您避开网页的高峰期(每周日早上7:00点 至 中午12:00点)观看线上聚会。

2. You can download the video or audio file to your laptops or desktops first and listen at your convenient time. Approximate download time is 8-15 minutes for the video file and 4-10 minutes for the audio file but it may take longer depending on the connection.
您可以把视频和音频档案提前下载到您的电脑,随时可以播放收听。视频下载需时预计8-15分钟,音频下载需时预计4-10分钟, 下载速度按照个人网速而异。

3. If you have VPN, you can watch the sermons via our Youtube Channel.
如果你使用VPN, 可以选择到我们的YouTube频道观看证道,请看以下链接。

Link 链接:

4. If you have any other issues or problems, please write to Awee at

Thank you for your kind attention.

Weekly Prayer Points


1. Pray for Pastor Daniel, as he ministers to the congregation via online sermon this Sunday. Pray for the Lord’s anointing and Holy Spirit moves among our online service and worship sessions. May we worship the Lord whole heartedly as the He desires. Pray for God’s grace to helps us grow spiritually.
请为 何牧师 于本周日的线上证道代祷。求主恩膏线上讲道和敬拜,圣灵运行在所有的时间当中带领。但愿我们献上的敬拜和奉献都蒙悦纳。求主赐下恩典使我们灵命成长。


2. Pray for favor with the authorities in reopening our church services, for wisdom and cooperation for our church staffs and members, Marriott hotel and the authorities in the preparation and precautionary procedures needed. Pray for smooth transition with administrative and technical set-ups and to be operationally and spiritually ready when we resume church services. We pray that our Lord will guard the heart and mind of our dear brothers and sisters in faith. We believe that our Lord is the one in control, as we await His timing. We Pray for the health, wisdom and strength of the ICS staff team across all ministry work.


3. We continue to ask the Lord to guide ICS Kids Church, Trailblazer Youth, and Cell Groups online meetings. May His Word speak into their spiritual life and they can have a transformed life. We also ask the Lord to let the family stay connected through the Word of God and also allow the children to be fed spiritually with His truth and prayers. We pray for the right people to be sent to Trailblazer Youth and Kids ministries. May more children be coming to know God through our ministries. We also pray for a hungry heart for God’s children as we start off a one-year Bible reading plan from July.


4a. We pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of our youths and all Trailblazer youth will carry the passion and love for Jesus.


4b. We pray that our Trailblazer will act and speak as the Holy Spirit leads them in their daily walk, that they are the ones who blazes a trail for others to follow in the endeavor wherever the Lord brings them to.


4c. We pray that Trailblazers can manage their emotions & mind well, that they are not subject to the pressure or temptations of the fallen world; for our Trailblazer to be clear of their identity in Jesus, assured of their position as Jesus’s beloved, precious and redeemed.


4d. We pray that Trailblazer manages their time well – as they pursue excellence in their studies and exams, they will never forget to put Jesus and their devotion to God in first position; that they will not forget it is the Lord who bless them and keep them and gave them all they have.
我们祈祷开拓者能好好管理他们的时间——当他们在学习和考试中追求卓越时,他们永不会忘记把耶稣和他们对上帝的奉献放在首位; 他们会时刻谨记是耶和华赐福他们,保护他们,祝福他他们的一切。


4e. We pray that Trailblazer will be regular and pro-active to tune in to listen/watch our online recordings. That they will actively participate in Trailblazer activities and forge strong friendship with brother & sister in Christ among their peers. We pray that they are receptive to the move of the power of the Holy Spirit as the Lord personally minister to them.
我们祈祷开拓者会定期和积极地收听/观看我们的在线主日讲道。 他们会积极参与开拓者的活动,在同龄人中与基督内的兄弟姐妹建立牢固的友谊。 祈求他们能接受圣灵大能的运行,因为主亲自服事他们。


5a. Pray for closer integration between TEC and ICS as we strive for the common purpose in reaching out to the expatriate and Chinese returnees’ community.
祈求 TEC 和 ICS 之间更紧密地联结,因为我们为接触外籍和中国海归社区的共同目标而努力。


5b. Pray for continuous wisdom as TEC works with various local authorities. While we represent TEC but it is important we should be an Ambassador For Christ as well!
TEC 与当地的各个政府部门合作,我们祈求神的智慧继续临到我们每个工作人员。尽管我们代表 TEC,但重要的是我们也是神的使者!


5c. Pray for our BLESS mini-program sponsors to be fully supportive and believing that this project will not only bless the community, but they too will adopt TEC’s vision in contributing to good works through BLESS.
祈求我们的助福小程序赞助商全力支持并相信这个项目不仅会造福社区,他们也会认可 TEC 的愿景,通过 BLESS 为善工做出贡献。


6. Pray for our missionary Amanda, who’s joined an organization with a vision for Israel. Pray for wisdom as she prepares her study and community work in Israel.


7. We pray for our sisters in Christ who are recovering from chemotherapy. We pray for those suffering from chronic diseases, depression, and difficulties in life. We also stretch our prayers for those who are currently unemployed, under pressure at work, in between jobs, and marital crisis. May the Lord bless us richly with wisdom and in strength, as we believe God’s grace is always sufficient for us! We also rely on God’s love to continue to spread the gospel with family members who are still in sin and of people around us.
为在化疗中的一些姊妹们祷告,为慢性病,抑郁症,和处各样困境中的肢体祷告,也为失业的,工作压力太大的,要换工作的弟兄姊妹们祷告,在婚姻危机中的家庭祷告。求主赐给我们智慧和刚强的力量, 我们相信主的恩典是够我们用的。我们还要用神的爱来继续向罪中的家人和周围的人传福音。


8. We ask the Lord to bless each cell group’s prayer meeting and may the Lord ignite their passion for prayers and make us strong prayer warriors within ICS. We pray for God to hear our prayers as we ask for His grace to be upon those who are sick, facing a crisis, churches, and nations. We shall pray in accordance with the Will of God.
求主赐福每个小组的祷告会, 愿主把祷告的火灌注在ICS教会里。使我们成为祷告的勇士。我们为所有病人,在危机中的肢体并且为教会和国家呼求主的恩典的时候求主聆听我们的声音。使我们做合神心意的祷告。


9. Pray for God’s protection to be with China and the global condition of the pandemic. May God is merciful with the help for the adequate supply of vaccines to help prevent, and spread of the mutated viruses. We pray for peace and safety upon those children and families abroad is entrusted to the Lord.


10. Pray that God will guide as He leads us according to the vision He has intended for ICS to share the good news and be a blessing to the nations. Pray that we will submit to God’s authority, may the Lord provide resourcefully for us as we carry out His good works.


11. Keep In Christ Singapore, Pastor Sandra Westerdahl, board members, church staff, volunteers and their family members in our prayers. Pray that the Church can reach out and serve those whom are lost and have strayed from God, pray for the younger generation to come of knowing Jesus and be able to cultivate the correct values as His disciples.
请为新加坡分会,Sandra Westerdahl 牧师,董事会成员,志愿者以及其家庭成员代祷。教会能为失丧的,迷失的人服事,能吸引更多的年轻人来认识耶稣基督,能培养跟随耶稣的门徒!

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