Today’s Sunday Service – 09 August 2020

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

Join our online service as we prepare the following online agenda so that you will still be able to connect with ICS during this period. ICS continues to minister to fellow Christians and Church members through our Praise and Worship, studying the Word of God via online sermons (both audio and video), questions and answers, and also prayer requests.

欢迎参加 ICS 线上聚会。我们致力于提供以下的聚会流程,协助你在这段期间连结ICS ,让我们与你同行。ICS会持续地透过线上主日信息(音频、影音)。包括赞美敬拜,读经,问题讨论,代祷,来服事基督肢体和教会家人们。

Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Pastor Kim Eun Seon
Title: Jesus Walks on the Raging Sea
Main Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33

讲员: 金银善 牧师
讲题: 从风浪的海上走来的耶稣
章节: 马太福音 14:22-33

Giving 奉献

For any queries, please refer to our Finance Manager, Peifen Zhu at

ICS thank you for your Giving.

Chinese Service with English Translation
中文聚会 (英文翻译)

Chinese Service with English Translation Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)


CG Discussion Questions 小组问题讨论:

1. Discuss if mankind can save themselves from all the circumstances they face, issues of sins or conscience with scientific advancements and technological developments, which deny the existence of anything super-natural or are unable to be proven by science, including God.
(John 14:20; Romans 14:17)

(约翰福音 14:20,23; 罗马书 14:17)


2. How will you react if you see Jesus walking on the sea? In the midst of raging wind and waves, will you call out to the Lord to grant you access to walk on water and towards Him like Peter did or will you be too afraid of the circumstances to do anything based on what your eyes see?
(Matthew 14:22-33)

(马太福音 14:22-33)


3. Discuss if you will call out and reach out to God for a helping hand, knowing that “Jehovah Jireh” (God our provider) sees and knows all our needs or why are you hesitant. Do you see Jesus through truly opening your spiritual eyes as the son of God, who is the creator of all things and has full control to calm the wind and sea or do you still see and live according to the materialistic world?
(Matthew 8:29; Psalms 89:9; Psalms 104:7)

(马太福音 8:27; 诗篇 89:9; 诗篇 104:7)

Having problems watching or listening?


If you are experiencing difficulty watching or listening to our online services, kindly try the following solutions:

1. If you can, try to avoid watching or listening through our website on peak hours which is on Sundays from 7am to 12noon.
如果您可以的话,建议您避开网页的高峰期(每周日早上7:00点 至 中午12:00点)观看线上聚会。

2. You can download the video or audio file to your laptops or desktops first and listen at your convenient time. Approximate download time is 8-15 minutes for the video file and 4-10 minutes for the audio file but it may take longer depending on the connection.
您可以把视频和音频档案提前下载到您的电脑,随时可以播放收听。视频下载需时预计8-15分钟,音频下载需时预计4-10分钟, 下载速度按照个人网速而异。

3. If you have VPN, you can watch the sermons via our Youtube Channel.
如果你使用VPN, 可以选择到我们的YouTube频道观看证道,请看以下链接。

Link 链接:

4. If you have any other issues or problems, please write to Awee at

Thank you for your kind attention.

Weekly Prayer Points


1. Pray for the Lord’s anointing and Holy Spirit moves among our online service and worship sessions. We give praise and thanksgiving as churches within the Changning district reopen progressively, we pray for God’s guidance in every step of our preparation towards the resumption of ICS church services and cell group meetings; may His wisdom and strength rest upon the staff team as well.


2. We pray for those who have lost their passion and habits in worship during this difficult period, may the Lord’s Grace be infused in the brothers and sisters in Christ who congregate online with ICS. Pray that God will build a firm foundation in their hearts of worship.


3. We continue to ask the Lord to guide ICS Kids Church, Anchor Youth, and Cell Groups online meetings. By connecting online, may His Word and Grace speak into their spiritual life and they can have a transformed life. Pray for wisdom and strength to be upon all the teachers serving in Kids Church.


4. We pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are going through sickness, sorrow, and difficulties in life, we also pray for those who are still waiting for work opportunities or encountering changes in the marketplace. May the Lord provide for our needs abundantly, bless us with wisdom and in strength, as we believe God’s grace is always sufficient for us!
为在病痛,忧伤,各样困境中的肢体祷告。也为还没恢复正常工作的家庭,面临工作环境有大改变的弟兄姊妹们祷告。求主供应我们物质赐给我们智慧和刚强的力量, 我们相信神的恩典是够我们用的!


5. Pray for God to lead all the activities administered by TEC, and their work shall be the channel of His Gospel. May God anoint TEC staff team, allow them to serve courageously with the help of the Holy Spirit.


6. We ask the Lord to lead the prayer life of each cell group in ICS, may the Lord help our brothers and sisters in Christ to build strong prayer life and ignite their passion for prayers within. As strong prayer warriors, we will grow in obedience towards His calling.


7. Pray for the development of the pandemic and the flood, we ask the Lord to help the affected countries to stop the spread of the virus, pray for the restoration of the world economy, businesses, public transportation be back to normalcy, as well as families to be reunited. Pray for God’s mercy to also help restore the relationship between China and the United States.


8. Pray that God will guide us in building up new churches in the nations He leads us to according to the word God has given ICS.


9. Pray for In Christ Singapore, Pastor Sandra Westerdahl, board members, church staff, volunteers and their family members. Pray that God will draw new visitors and former ICS members back to worship and serve Him.
请为新加坡分会,Sandra Westerdahl 牧师,董事会成员,志愿者以及其家庭成员代祷。求神吸引新成员和过去 ICS 的成员加入敬拜和事奉的行列。

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